Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The eNotes Blog De-stress and Take Finals At the SameTime!

De-stress and Take Finals At the SameTime! If youre a student,  you know that the coming of spring is both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, the sun is coming out of hiding (if only a little bit at a time), the temperature is higher, and the days are longer; it becomes more and more difficult  to focus on schoolwork when the spring air is calling  you outside. But then, on the other hand, you have the most dreaded of exams: the  final exams. Everything youve learned over the past year/semester/quarter is all coming back to you- and youre expected to regurgitate all of that knowledge back on paper. No, thanks? Unfortunately, we students dont have a choice about participation this season. But fear not!  If youre  properly prepared, both by studying and  by taking care of yourself, you will be able to tackle the week with relatively little stress. Its a commonly held belief that during the week of finals students hole up in the library, pulling all-nighters and studying for hours on end, subsisting on Cheetos and Snack Packs. Well, actually, it turns out that if you want to test like the champion you are, you really might want to start doing almost the opposite of that. We at have done a little surveying of high school/college students and had a look at what some experts had to say, and weve compiled a list of some strategies to make finals week a little more bearable. Verify the Details This tip is important even before you start studying. Make sure you ask your teacher(s) at least a couple weeks in advance about what sort of test you should be preparing for; the knowledge you focus on for a multiple choice exam is different than what you should be prepared to answer in essay/short-answer format. In the former, prepare more factually-based study notes, (flashcards are great), to ensure that you have quick recall for the types of questions youre likely to see. In the case of essay questions, make an effort to understand foundational concepts and be able to explain them. Also important (but  overlooked with surprising regularity) is verifying the time and location  of your test. Though maybe not as expected  in high school, college exams often take place in a different room and/or at a different time than your normally scheduled class. This seemingly randomized scheduling is also common in AP testing, so double-check with your teachers to avoid a stressful snafu. Experiment with Study Strategies A lot of people, students and professionals alike, often stick with the so-called tried and true approach to work and studying- that is,  the idea that if you spend enough time trying to pound the material into your head, eventually it will stick. This is a common misconception. Unfortunately (or actually maybe fortunately, as that method is nothing short of exhausting), trying to jam-pack information into your head is not the most effective way to get  your brain to retain information. According to research, the human brain is not designed to focus narrowly on a single concept for long stretches of time; really any more than an hour is pushing it. It is recommended for individuals to designate an hour to spend on a specific subject, and follow this intensive period with a break from the material at hand. Using this on-and-off method, your ability to retain  information will not only increase, but the repetition of class materials will help the studies set in your mind. Note: these breaks are most effective when they involve getting up and moving around, at least a little bit. Get Some Exercise Many students see finals week as an opportunity to forego regular exercise on the grounds that they simply dont have time. In reality, that point is only halfway valid (sorry to say). Maybe you dont have the time to devote to a regular gym session or soccer practice (or whatever it is you do to get the blood flowing), but there are a whole bunch of ways that you can incorporate some movement on the fly. For starters, theres always the option of going on a brisk little walk. After all, its springtime now, and who doesnt like basking in some sunshine? If the weather is still crummy and/or you have allergies and/or you dont like the light of day, there are lots of online pages devoted to office exercises or workouts that one can do at a desk. They arent intensive, but when you find yourself in a slump, a quick fix can often be as simple as getting a little more blood flow up to the cranium.  The Washington Post  put together  twelve office workouts (with positively hilarious animations) to guide you through the motions. Eat Well As  with the aforementioned lack of exercise, testing season often has a way of encouraging students to break out the snack food and pizza. Dont get me wrong, snack foods and pizza are great, but only in that ol moderation we all hear too much about. It seems  that these foods, particularly the processed ones, are full of cheap carbs that the body digests quickly, resulting in a short-lived burst of energy followed by the desperate need for a nap. The last thing you need when youre trying to learn something is to have your body imagining a nice, cozy bed or even the floor of the library- people sleep there, too. Eating healthy food is always a good idea, but it really is particularly beneficial when it comes time to use your brain. Instead of packaged snacks, plan ahead and bring fresh vegetables, fruits, some nuts, and really anything else with nutrients that take longer for the body to break down. Typically, the more nutritionally dense foods take longer to go through your system, meaning youre less likely to be distracted by hunger five minutes after eating. *Also crucial: eat a hearty and healthy meal before you walk into the exam for the same reason; no matter how well you know the material, you wont be able to focus when your stomach isnt in the game. Get Some Sleep Go to bed on time! That is yet another piece of advice all students have heard a million times and brushed off with a laugh: Who has time for that? As a student myself, I know how easy it is to say that youll catch up on sleep later or three hours will be fine, when you have a big project due- but the truth is, youre hurting your performance as much as youre hurting yourself. The pre-exam all-nighter is almost  a rite of passage, but how about we make this generation the one to put that tradition to rest? Short of sleeping through your exam, not getting enough sleep before the big test is one of the worst things you can do. A lack of sleep can wreak havoc on your brains ability to not only store new information, but even recall information you thought youd already been familiar with. That is to say, even if you did all the right things, spaced out your studies, and learned all you needed to know, when exam day comes along and you havent had enough sleep, you just might forget everything. Silence the Social Media This piece of advice is another one that seems like a no-brainer, but really is a lot more difficult than it sounds. Social media is everywhere, if you hadnt noticed, and unplugging it is nearly impossible. My father even said that he wasnt sure how good of a student he would be in this day and age when even our methods of study (AKA the World Wide Web) can serve as an outstanding source of distraction (puppy videos as far as the eye can see). But the difficulty involved in ignoring these distractions doesnt detract from how important it is to distance yourself from them. Studies show us that the brain is incapable of dividing its attention between too many things at once; the maximum number of subjects we can supposedly concentrate on is around seven, but even then, youre unlikely to retain any of the stimulus youre getting. For that reason, if on one tab you have a study guide and on another you have puppy videos (and dont forget some incoming texts, Instagram notifications, tweets, etc.), chances are, your studying will suffer for it. Now, who wants to spend hours studying to get half the benefit? If that doesnt sound good to you, put the phone down. Friends Sometimes (sometimes), studying with friends can be a wonderful thing. Having pre-arranged study plans can keep you from procrastinating or taking too long of breaks, and you could feel encouraged by your friends study habits and want to follow their example. However, some people are better  equipped to work in groups than others. If youre one of those people who is motivated by the presence of comrades, then by all means, schedule a study session! But, if youre someone who cant help but chat with your friends, even with textbooks splayed out before you, you might be better off holing up on your own. The Occasional Treat This last piece of advice  is semi-contradictory to most of what is outlined  above. For the vast majority of your study-week, the prescribed advice will serve best to see you through the stress, but that being said, sometimes you really do just need to give yourself a break. Maybe you need longer than a ten-minute rest. Maybe you need some downtime to chat with friends. Or maybe a long, intensive gym session will do you some good. Every so often, treating yourself is not only to be expected, but its also a very good thing. Focusing on business is certainly important, but without reprieve from the demands of studying and grades, you just might start to feel a little hopeless. So, if after a long period of studying and nibbling on carrots you feel that you need to take yourself out for a coffee and a banana nut muffin- go ahead! Treat yoself.

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Plan for College in 11th Grade 8 Expert Tips

How to Plan for College in th Grade 8 Expert Tips SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips For many high school students, junior year causes tremendous anxiety because of its importance in the college planning process. Students are generally aware that what they do in the th grade matters to colleges, but they don't know exactly how to plan for college. In this article, I'll thoroughly explain everything you should be doing in the th grade to plan for college. If you're organized and equipped with this knowledge, you'll be able to successfully complete your junior year and increase the likelihood that you'll reach your college goals. Furthermore, I'll discuss aspects of college planning that you don't have to worry about in your junior year. This Isthe Most Important Year for College Planning Because your junior year is your last full year of school before you apply to college, it’s the most pivotal year in the college planning process. Your junior year grades are the last full year of grades colleges will see before they make admissions decisions. It’s the last complete academic year you have to learn about colleges and the financial aid process before deciding where you’ll attend. How to Make Your Junior Year Less Stressful Many students become incredibly anxious and stressed out during their junior year because they realize the stakes and feel overwhelmed by all their responsibilities.You can minimize your stress in th grade and reach your college goals by following our complete college application timeline. If you start working on your college planning in 9th grade, you’ll have much less to worry about and do when your junior year rolls around. Also, if you’ve excelled academically in your freshman and sophomore years, you can be confident in your abilities to do well in your junior year. What Do You Need to Do? All college-bound juniors have a number of responsibilities during their junior years. Here are eight tips onhow toplan for college and maximize your options. #1: Take the Right Classes The classes you take will greatly influence your college options. You should have been taking a college prep curriculum during your first two years of high school. If you didn’t, talk to your counselor about what you should do to become eligible for admission to college. You may have to take additional courses at your high school, online, or at a local community college. You can look at college websites to view their requirements for admission. Colleges will evaluate you based on the classes you’ve taken. Colleges, especially selective colleges, want to see that you’re challenging yourself and taking some of the hardest classes that are offered at your school. You don’t have to take every single honors or AP class, but to get into elite schools, you should demonstrate that you can do well in the most difficult classes. I recommend taking honors or AP classes in the subjects you're best at and the subjects you're considering studying in college. Here's an example of a good junior year schedule for a student who wants to be competitive for selective colleges. Note that this is just a rough guide, and you can take a more or less challenging schedule depending on your skill level and the courses offered at your high school: AP Biology Precalculus Honors American Literature AP US History Honors French III PE Elective Ultimate Goal: Have a schedule of challenging classes you can do well in. Tribesports/Flickr #2: Get Good Grades Not to put too much pressure on you, but your junior year grades are the most important for college admissions. They’re the last full academic year grades colleges will see before they make admissions decisions; colleges may not even get to see your first semester senior year grades, especially if you choose to apply early. If you didn’t do as well as you wanted in your freshman or sophomore year, you can use your junior year to demonstrate your improvement and show that you’re capable of succeeding in college. Learn how to get a 4.0 and better grades. If you don't do as well as you'd like in your junior year, it doesn't necessarily mean that your college dreams are shattered, though. You can make up for lower grades with higher test scores and exceptional achievements in your extracurricular activities. Additionally, if there's some extenuating circumstance that causes a dip in your junior year grades, you can explain the situation on your college application. Ultimate Goal: Get the best grades you can. #3: Get/Stay Involved in Extracurriculars Other than your grades and test scores, your extracurricular activities probably have the biggest influence on the quality of your college applications. Colleges want their students to have exceptional achievements outside of the classroom, and they’re looking for individuals who use their leisure time to pursue their passions. Some students believe they need to be well-rounded and do a ton of extracurriculars; however, to get into elite colleges, it may be more advantageous for you to develop a â€Å"spike† and exhibit excellence in a particular activity or field. If you play a sport, you can focus your energies on reaching the highest level in your sport and becoming a recruited athlete. If you excel in science, you can use your time outside of school to prepare for and compete in science fairs and competitions. Additonally, you can take extra science classes at a community college or volunteer to help a professor with research. Colleges prefer to see a sustained commitment to your activities, so if you participated in extracurriculars in your first two years of high school, you should try to stick with those activities, if possible. If you were part of a club, try to get a leadership position in that club. If you wrote for the newspaper, maybe you can become an editor. It's more impressive to show growth and accomplishments in the same activities than it is to start doing a bunch of activities in your junior year. Colleges want to see commitment and demonstrable achievement. Learn about the best extracurriculars for your college applications. Ultimate Goal: Demonstrate excellence in your extracurricular activities. Iqbal Osman/Flickr #4: Prepare For and Take Standardized Tests Ideally, you’ll be able to finish your standardized tests for college by the end of your junior year. That will free up time in your senior year to focus on your college applications, schoolwork, and extracurriculars. If you’ve been on top of the college planning process, you should have done some studying for the SAT/ACT in 9th and 10th grade. The SAT/ACT is an important component of your college applications. Figure out your target score, and if you’re trying to get into elite colleges, learn how to get a perfect score on the SAT or ACT. We recommend taking the SAT/ACT for the first time in the fall of your junior year, and, if you don't do as well as you'd like, you can retake the test in the spring or in the fall of your senior year. If you haven’t done any preparation for the SAT/ACT before your junior year, you can spend the fall studying and then take the test in the winter or spring. However, if you wait to take the SAT/ACT, then you'll have less time to retake it if you don't get your target score on your first attempt. Also, if you're intersted in qualifying for a National Merit Scholarship, you should take the PSAT NMSQT in your junior year. Furthermore, if you're considering applying to any schools or programs that require SAT Subject Tests, you should take those at the end of your junior year. Assuming you do some basic preparation and take the tests right after you finish related courses, you should do very well. For example, if you take the SAT Subject Test in chemistry in May while you're taking AP Chemistry, you shouldn't have too much difficulty with that Subject Test if you're doing well in your AP Chemistry class. Finally, especially if you're hoping to get into selective colleges, you should take Advanced Placement tests in the spring. Often, if you’re taking an AP class, you’ll be required or strongly encouraged to take the AP test for that class. If you elected not to take an AP class or are at a school that doesn’t offer AP classes, you can still self-study for AP tests and take AP exams. Doing well on AP tests demonstrates your readiness to do college-level work, and you can receive college credit by passing AP tests. Ultimate Goal: Achieve your target scores on the SAT/ACT, SAT Subject Tests, and AP tests. #5: Do Extensive College Research You should have a good idea of which colleges you want to apply to by the beginning of your senior year. Therefore, you should do extensive college research in your junior year. You need to ensure you’re aware of all your college options and figure out exactly what you’re looking for in a college. Do you want to go to a big or small college? Do you want to go to an urban, rural, or suburban school? Are you interested in a party school? An Ivy League school? A Big Ten school? A conservative school? A liberal school? You can use college finders, college search websites, guidebooks, ranking lists, and college fairs to get a better idea of your college options and narrow your college search. Also, you may want to take college tours to check out different college campuses, learn more about the schools, and get a feel for colleges in person. Additonally, if college representatives visit your school, you can speak with them and learn more about the schools they represent. Consult with other people who are knowledgeable about the college application and selection process. You can talk with your counselor, teachers, parents, college alumni, or current college students. Ask about specific colleges or the application process; if you're talking to somebody who knows you well, you can seek advice about which schools may be a good fit for you. Ultimate Goal: Figure out what you're looking for in a college and create a preliminary list of schools to apply to. #6: Learn More About Financial Aid Definitely, if you need financial aid to afford college, you should become knowledgeable about the financial aid process in your junior year. Furthermore, as you’re researching colleges, you should inform yourself about each school’s financial aid. Learn which forms are required and use websites like College Scorecard and FAFSA4Caster to get a rough idea about how much you’ll have to pay to attend each school. At this point, I recommend not disqualifying a school from consideration based on its cost or the financial aid you think you'll receive. You may end up getting scholarship money or receiving a more generous financial aid package than you're expecting. Educate yourself about how to save and pay for college. Involve your parents and learn about financial aid with them. Ultimate Goal: Know how to apply for financial aid and get a rough idea of how much the schools you're considering will cost you. #7: Apply for Scholarships If the cost of college is a concern for you or you just want to alleviate the impending financial burden of paying for college, you can apply for scholarships in your junior year. Check out our expert advice on how to find scholarships. Also, learn about the best scholarships for juniors. Most scholarships require an application and an essay, but you may be able to use the same essay for multiple scholarships. If you apply for more scholarships, you’ll have a better chance of winning some scholarship money. You can qualify for specific scholarships based on your background, extracurricular activities, or academic achievement. Ultimate Goal: Apply for four to fivescholarships by the end of your junior year. DigitalRalph/Flickr #8: Ask Teachers for College Recommendations It’s a good idea to ask your teachers if they’ll write your college recommendations in the spring of your junior year. By asking them early, they’ll be more likely to agree before they start getting tons of requests in your senior year. Furthermore, you’ll give them more time to consider what they’re going to write. Before asking, make sure you know which teachers to ask. Also, learn how to ask for recommendations. Generally, it’s best to ask teachers from your junior year, and ideally, at least one of your recommenders should teach a subject related to what you want to study in college. Most colleges that require recommendations want at least two from core academic subject (math, science, English, history, or foreign language) teachers. Ultimate Goal: Get your teachers to agree to write your college recommendations by the end of your junior year. What Not to Worry About While you should be doing thorough college planning in the th grade, you don’t need to have everything figured out by the end of your junior year. Here are some specific aspects of planning for college that you don’t need to stress about in your junior year. Picking a College Even though you should be narrowing your college search in your junior year and start thinking about how many colleges you’re going to apply to, you don’t need to have a dream school or top choice by the end of your junior year. At this point, it’s best to think about the qualities that your dream school would possess and keep a list of schools that could potentially be good for you. Also, for the schools you’re interested in, you can use the PrepScholar admissions calculator to get a rough idea of your chances of getting accepted to each school. Just google â€Å"prepscholar (name of school) admissions† to find the profile for each school and use the admissions calculator. With the calculator, you can plug in your GPA and standardized test scores to get an estimate the percentage chance you have of getting into that school. Based on your odds of getting accepted, you can start dividing your list into reach, target, and safety schools. Completing Your College Applications You don’t have to start working on your college applications and college essays in your junior year. If you want to be ahead of the game and make your senior year easier, it’s not a bad idea to start working on your college application essays in the summer before your senior year. However, even early application deadlines usually aren’t until the beginning of November of your senior year. If you start working on your applications at the start of your senior year, you should have ample time to write and revise your essays, complete your applications, and send your transcript and test scores to colleges. What's Next? Are you planning on going on a college tour? Know great questions to ask. Are you interested in selective colleges? Find out about the most selective colleges and how to get in. Are you relying on ranking lists to make your college decision? Learn why using ranking lists may not be the best way to determine the best college for you. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Oxford castle development Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Oxford castle development - Assignment Example All parties must be aware of financial budgets, regulatory controls and legal constraints. All goals and needs of the clients must be met. Challenges may arise due to different interests of the project partners. Public sector bodies hold the interests of the local community [OCC, OC] and/or the site’s heritage [EH, OPT] as their main priority. Commercial businesses such as the TOP on the other hand, are profit driven. The needs of all parties must be balanced by the project manager in order to represent the interests of all clients. The land is owned by OCC and the site of Oxford Castle and the ancient county gaol is an ancient scheduled monument containing 14 listed buildings and structures (English Heritage, 2010a). The project manager must ensure that developers work within the strict heritage guidelines of EH for listed buildings and scheduled monuments (English Heritage, 2010b) and meet the requirements of the land owner [OCC] and other public bodies. Problems may also arise in making listed buildings accessible to the disabled when EH refurbishment regulations conflict with accessibility. Funding must be secured and the roles of financers securely defined to enable the procurement of resources and contractors. The project manager must oversee organization of the project workforce, serving tenders for contracts. Specialist contractors such as historic building surveyors will be necessary to meet public body regulations. The project manager may also oversee the securing of tenants for commercial properties. All development contractors and tenants must adhere to all relevant building restraints and regulations posed by public bodies. Manage the entire project planning from inception to finish. The project schedule, budget and any anticipated future needs, foreseeable obstacles and resultant project alternatives must be planned in the preliminary stages. Budget authorization cycles/finance release

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Land study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Land study - Essay Example According to Covanta Energy (2011), the Rookery South EfW Generating Station will be able to â€Å"convert approximately 585,000 tonnes of residual waste per year into 65MWe of electricity, of which 55MWe would be exported to the national grid. That's enough electricity equivalent to meet the needs of Bedford and the Marston Vale;† meaning, approximately 82,500 houses (About the Project, para. 2). As far as the size and construction, Covanta Energy did not want to hinder or takeaway from any long-distance views. Therefore, the designers decided on a building made up of boxes that interlock (See Figure 1), to reduce the height of the structure as much as possible; the other option was a 3-stack building. Still, with 9 times the total capacity per annum of the Isle of Man EfW facility, the current design is approximately 2m lower than â€Å"the visible height above ground level of the Isle of Man EfW Facility† (Covanta Energy, 2011). ... Assets including designated and undesignated archaeological sites and historic buildings such as parks and gardens, monuments, areas of conservation, and registered battlefields are the focus of the assessment. Since the Rookery South EfW Generating Station will be built in the location of a former clay pit, there is very little, if any potential for negative impact on historical assets. The only potential for disturbance Covanta Energy (2011) has acknowledged is to â€Å"currently unrecorded sub-surface archaeological features during those construction works that take place outside of the pit of minor significance† (Cultural Heritage, para. 2). The residents and local decision-makers feel different from Covanta about the impact on the historical area of the proposed development. Residents of the Marston Vale and surrounding areas near the proposed site of the project want to hold on to one of twelve community forests in England (Ampthill, 2011). The resounding message to Cova nta is the pollution generated from the facility combined with the eyesore of a massive processing plant viewable from long distances will ruin the historical beauty of the land (Ampthill, 2011). Although Covanta recognizes the fact that the facility will be visible from long distances, potentially causing negative reactions like those conveyed by the residents in the surrounding communities, they feel they have taken adequate steps to minimize any adverse impact. The steps they refer to include the low-profile design, as opposed to the 3-stack alternative, and the selection of material finishes for the buildings, which they feel are as aesthetically pleasing as a waste processing plant can get; all aspects of the design were developed after consulting with Central Bedfordshire Council,

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Romeo and Juliet Courage Essay Example for Free

Romeo and Juliet Courage Essay Romeo and Juliet, a story of two families. A story about two lovers that are willing to die for each other. A story where courage plays a huge and important role in. Life itself also involves a lot of courage Just to get by day to day. This essay will explain how courage plays an important role in literature and life. One example of how courage plays a role in literature is in shakespheres Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet both express their love for each other in a huge way. This shows a ton of courage because they would likely be killed or hated because they are with the other family. Romeo and Juliet are willing to die for each other with shows so much courage because they are very likely to be banished or killed for their actions. Another example of how courage plays an important role in literature is how much courage the Nurse in the play Romeo and Juliet shows. The nurse knows about Romeos love for Juliet and Juliets love for Romeo. Yet the Nurse keeps it a secret from the Capulet family even though she could be fired and ruin Romeos change to be with Juliet if the Capulet family found out. The Nurse shows courage by doing this and it plays an important role in the play and in literature. An example of how courage plays an important role in life is when you make a new friend. Before you meet them you have no idea who they are or what kind of person they are. But instead of leaving them alone and never getting a chance to make a new friend you talk to them. After talking to them you realize they are a good person. This is important because without courage you would never had the guts to go out and meet a new friend of learn about other people. In this essay I have showed you Courage, the ability to do something that frightens one, is important in life and also very important is literature.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Intervention in the Rwandan Genocide Essay -- Rwanda History Essays Ge

The Hutus and Tutsis were not traditionally different, and ethnicity in Rwanda only became important during Belgium colonization when the more European-looking Tutsis were chosen as the aristocracy to rule over the Hutus. After Rwanda's independence in 1961 the Hutu majority, comprising roughly 85% of the population, ruled the country. Between 1961 and the outbreak of genocide in 1994 many Tutsis fled the regime due to its discriminatory practices and anti-Tutsi policies. Even after gaining control of the country, however, Hutus had been scared of a Tutsi coup or an invasion from the Tutsi refugees in neighboring Uganda. The regime of president Habyarimana played on these fears in order to distract Rwandans from failing policies and keep their declining party in power. It was the assassination of the president that precipitated the implementation of ethnic cleansing, although not the cause; plans for such an event had been planned out by Colonel Bogasata the previous year, the assass ination of the country's Hutu leader just happened to be a convenient event for his clique of extremist Hutus to exploit. In October of 1993 the UN Security Council authorized the UN Mission in Rwanda (UNAMIR) following a period of strife between the Rwandan Patriotic Front and the Hutu regime of Rwanda. When the government ordered assassinations were carried out in Kigali on April 6, 1994 there were about 2,500 UNIMAR peacekeepers in Rwanda. Soon after the violent outbreak Hutu government forces executed ten Belgian UNIMAR peacekeepers. On April 14 Belgium announced that it would be withdrawing its UNIMAR battalion, an action that unnerved other involved states and led the U.N. Security Council to cut the number of troops to a mere 270 the following week. Only after a month of vacillation did the UNSC vote to send 5,500 troops back into Rwanda, but it still dragged its feet and as of July only 10% of the promised force had been deployed (Economist, 1994). The RPF, meanwhile, had launched into Rwanda and by mid-July, it had ousted the genocidal regime from Rwanda. Preceding the Rwandan genocide, numerous western states made claims of their willingness to intervene in a humanitarian crisis, and this kind of rhetoric has proved counterproductive in the past by encouraging insecure regimes to act hastily. Alan Kuperman said ?If the West is unwilling to deploy such robust for... ...city in the genocide. This has further damaged relations between the ethnic groups, and has deepened the preexisting cleavages. The presence of a peacekeeping force to maintain order and accountability of the new regime could have hampered such atrocities. The Rwandan situation highlights the limits of intervention, and unfortunately as long as the duty of intervening lies in the hands of slow-responding multinational bodies and democracies too scared of a plummeting public opinion to risk troops for less central or non-state interests, it appears that humanitarian crises run the risk of progressing unacceptably far before the situation can be brought back under control. Works Cited The Economist. Learning from Rwanda (U.N. Peacekeeping Operations). April, 1994. Alison Des Forges, Leave None to Tell the Story: Genocide in Rwanda (New York: Human Rights Watch/FIDH, 1999). Kuperman, Alan J. Rwanda in Retrospect. Foreign Affairs 79, no. 1 pp. 94-118 Jan/Feb, 2000. Report of the Independent Inquiry Into the Actions of the United Nations During the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda, 15 December 1999, accessed December 17, 1999 at http://www.un.org/News/dh/latest/rwanda.htm.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

My Mother

This essay is about how a perfect mother looks like to me. People say that the perfect mother does not exist, I actually don’t know if that is true, but what I do know is that my mother is perfect for me. Everything in my mother is special; the way she dresses, the way she speaks, the way she behaves etc. Somehow they are a part of you, a part of your world, your heart. For me that is my mother. Her voice calms me down. When he leaves for business trips, I feel like a part of me is missing. When he calls me to say hello, he makes everything better in a second. Just the sound of her voice is what I need from time to time. She is very good with words and almost knows what you want to hear when you are sad. The picture of my mother will ever fade away from my mind. Her curly brown hair with white strands throughout make her look younger than she is. She stands at 5’5 and weighs 145Ibs. She has smoky gray eyes that glow when the sun comes up. Her eyes sparkle and change colors depending on her mood. Her eyes and her smile light up my world. Her style of clothing is a little different from other mothers, but I love that about her. She doesn’t let anyone change her mind. She never wears heels because she hates getting dressed up but her favorite shoes of all time are Nike shocks. Being a writer explains her love for book and literature in general. She loves telling stories especially about her childhood and past experiences which she is really good at. She puts her heart and soul into whatever she writes. She has a hard time showing her feelings because of past experiences, but when she writes stories she shows it. It’s her way to express herself. Writing is her way of making her feel better and a way to express herself as a person. Her voice is being heard on paper. My mother is a fantastic cook. You will always find her in the kitchen making some sort of desert. I always used to help her make monkey bread as a little girl. She would always smell like honey and maple syrup. When I was a little girl, I would always remember when she used to tuck me into bed and kiss me goodbye I could always smell maple syrup on her. I love that smell. Even twenty five years later, the smell has never disappeared. She has the same smell that lingers off of her that brings back so many great memories for me. My mother is the kind of person that does not show her feelings a lot. She keeps her feelings to herself sometimes but when she gets the chance to show us, it’s the greatest feeling in the world. She may not kiss or hug us all the time but I always know that she loves us unconditionally. When she does hug us, I feel warm and loved. She doesn’t judge what we have done in the past or what we might do; she teaches us lessons that will help us make the right choices in life. She is the one who is always there for me. If I am having a bad day or just need someone to talk too, she is the first person I run too. She isn’t just my mom but she is my best friend. She knows me instead and out. I get most of my looks from my mom which isn’t so bad because my mom is beautiful inside and out. I am so lucky that my son has her for a grandma because he will have a great role model to look up to when he gets older. They say you will never forget the person you first laid eyes on. Without them you feel lost and not yourself. Somehow they are a part of you, a part of your world, your heart. My Mother This essay is about how a perfect mother looks like to me. People say that the perfect mother does not exist, I actually don’t know if that is true, but what I do know is that my mother is perfect for me. Everything in my mother is special; the way she dresses, the way she speaks, the way she behaves etc. Somehow they are a part of you, a part of your world, your heart. For me that is my mother. Her voice calms me down. When he leaves for business trips, I feel like a part of me is missing. When he calls me to say hello, he makes everything better in a second. Just the sound of her voice is what I need from time to time. She is very good with words and almost knows what you want to hear when you are sad. The picture of my mother will ever fade away from my mind. Her curly brown hair with white strands throughout make her look younger than she is. She stands at 5’5 and weighs 145Ibs. She has smoky gray eyes that glow when the sun comes up. Her eyes sparkle and change colors depending on her mood. Her eyes and her smile light up my world. Her style of clothing is a little different from other mothers, but I love that about her. She doesn’t let anyone change her mind. She never wears heels because she hates getting dressed up but her favorite shoes of all time are Nike shocks. Being a writer explains her love for book and literature in general. She loves telling stories especially about her childhood and past experiences which she is really good at. She puts her heart and soul into whatever she writes. She has a hard time showing her feelings because of past experiences, but when she writes stories she shows it. It’s her way to express herself. Writing is her way of making her feel better and a way to express herself as a person. Her voice is being heard on paper. My mother is a fantastic cook. You will always find her in the kitchen making some sort of desert. I always used to help her make monkey bread as a little girl. She would always smell like honey and maple syrup. When I was a little girl, I would always remember when she used to tuck me into bed and kiss me goodbye I could always smell maple syrup on her. I love that smell. Even twenty five years later, the smell has never disappeared. She has the same smell that lingers off of her that brings back so many great memories for me. My mother is the kind of person that does not show her feelings a lot. She keeps her feelings to herself sometimes but when she gets the chance to show us, it’s the greatest feeling in the world. She may not kiss or hug us all the time but I always know that she loves us unconditionally. When she does hug us, I feel warm and loved. She doesn’t judge what we have done in the past or what we might do; she teaches us lessons that will help us make the right choices in life. She is the one who is always there for me. If I am having a bad day or just need someone to talk too, she is the first person I run too. She isn’t just my mom but she is my best friend. She knows me instead and out. I get most of my looks from my mom which isn’t so bad because my mom is beautiful inside and out. I am so lucky that my son has her for a grandma because he will have a great role model to look up to when he gets older. They say you will never forget the person you first laid eyes on. Without them you feel lost and not yourself. Somehow they are a part of you, a part of your world, your heart. My Mother This essay is about how a perfect mother looks like to me. People say that the perfect mother does not exist, I actually don’t know if that is true, but what I do know is that my mother is perfect for me. Everything in my mother is special; the way she dresses, the way she speaks, the way she behaves etc. Somehow they are a part of you, a part of your world, your heart. For me that is my mother. Her voice calms me down. When he leaves for business trips, I feel like a part of me is missing. When he calls me to say hello, he makes everything better in a second. Just the sound of her voice is what I need from time to time. She is very good with words and almost knows what you want to hear when you are sad. The picture of my mother will ever fade away from my mind. Her curly brown hair with white strands throughout make her look younger than she is. She stands at 5’5 and weighs 145Ibs. She has smoky gray eyes that glow when the sun comes up. Her eyes sparkle and change colors depending on her mood. Her eyes and her smile light up my world. Her style of clothing is a little different from other mothers, but I love that about her. She doesn’t let anyone change her mind. She never wears heels because she hates getting dressed up but her favorite shoes of all time are Nike shocks. Being a writer explains her love for book and literature in general. She loves telling stories especially about her childhood and past experiences which she is really good at. She puts her heart and soul into whatever she writes. She has a hard time showing her feelings because of past experiences, but when she writes stories she shows it. It’s her way to express herself. Writing is her way of making her feel better and a way to express herself as a person. Her voice is being heard on paper. My mother is a fantastic cook. You will always find her in the kitchen making some sort of desert. I always used to help her make monkey bread as a little girl. She would always smell like honey and maple syrup. When I was a little girl, I would always remember when she used to tuck me into bed and kiss me goodbye I could always smell maple syrup on her. I love that smell. Even twenty five years later, the smell has never disappeared. She has the same smell that lingers off of her that brings back so many great memories for me. My mother is the kind of person that does not show her feelings a lot. She keeps her feelings to herself sometimes but when she gets the chance to show us, it’s the greatest feeling in the world. She may not kiss or hug us all the time but I always know that she loves us unconditionally. When she does hug us, I feel warm and loved. She doesn’t judge what we have done in the past or what we might do; she teaches us lessons that will help us make the right choices in life. She is the one who is always there for me. If I am having a bad day or just need someone to talk too, she is the first person I run too. She isn’t just my mom but she is my best friend. She knows me instead and out. I get most of my looks from my mom which isn’t so bad because my mom is beautiful inside and out. I am so lucky that my son has her for a grandma because he will have a great role model to look up to when he gets older. They say you will never forget the person you first laid eyes on. Without them you feel lost and not yourself. Somehow they are a part of you, a part of your world, your heart.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Swisher Mower Case

Swisher Mower and Machine Company Problem: Wayne Swisher the new president and CEO of Swisher Mower Company (SMC), is unsure of what the future holds for his firm. He was contacted by a major national retail merchandising chain about a private-brand distribution arrangement. Wayne Swisher needs to determine if he should accept the offer that was proposed by the national retail merchandising chain or reject it and continue on normal business. SWOT: Strengths: †¢Facilities have an annual production capacity of 10,000 riding mower units on a single 40-hour-per-week shift. †¢Developed great loyalty with dealers and distributors. Produced the first zero turning radius riding mower. †¢Produce high-quality mowers that are reliable and have great longevity. †¢Remained profitable since its founding. Weaknesses: †¢Limited distribution channels to only nonmetropolitan areas. †¢Produce mid-engine riding mowers while front engine mowers are more powerful and can hand le the bigger jobs. †¢Relies heavily and their Ride King and their T-44 trail mower only accounted for 8. 2 % of SMC’s total sales. Opportunities: †¢Plans to develop a walk behind trimmer and edger. †¢Have distributor arrangements in parts of Europe and the South Pacific which made up 5% of total sales. SMC could develop a riding snow thrower with their zero turn radius for the winter months. †¢Private brand distribution. †¢Sales projections for 1995 and 1996 are increasing from previous years. Threats: †¢Sales trends seem to be up and down. The sales are currently on the rise but history shows they could drop. †¢Ten manufactures make up the major competition in the riding lawn mower market. †¢Private label riding lawn mowers have captured a growing percentage of unit sales. †¢Developing a new product, the trim-max, shows that the riding lawn mower is in the mature or decline phase of the product life cycle. Critical Issues: †¢Industry statistics show that the riding mower sales are up and down. Currently, the market is on the rise but history shows it could drop. †¢SMC is a customer oriented company and Max Swisher’s wants to maintain a small company image. †¢The Ride King mower is in its mature or decline stage. †¢SMC produces high quality products that have a simple design for easy customer use and maintenance. †¢Private-label riding lawn mowers sales account for 40% of SMC sales. Private-label mowers account for 65 to 75% of the total industry sales. †¢75% of SMC’s sales are made in nonmetropolitan areas. Alternatives: AlternativeProsConsCost †¢Accept the offer from the major national retail merchandise chain for distribution of a private-brand. †¢The chain will cover all freight costs †¢The chain will do all advertising †¢The chain wants a sample order of 700 units and will place an order of approximately 8,200 units per year. †¢Distribution will broaden to metropolitan areas. †¢Chain wants to purchase the mowers at a price 5% lower than SMC’s manufactures. †¢No seasonal or promotional discounts. †¢SMC is liable for all personal injury claims. †¢Sales of SMC mowers by the chain could cannibalize existing sales. See Exhibit 1 †¢Reject the offer from the major national retail merchandise chain for distribution of a private-brand. †¢This would remain at the status quo. †¢Net Income is $430,200. †¢SMC could concentrate on developing the Trim-Max. †¢Will not get the exposure to the metropolitan areas. †¢If SMC rejects the offer, the chain may present the offer to some one else and this would increase their competition. †¢Private label mowers currently account for 65 to 75% of the total industry sales. SMC will maintain status quo and profit around $400,000 †¢More aggressively advertise the Ride King to try to gain market share in the metropolitan areas. Not necessary†¢This would gain a bigger percentage of the market share. †¢75% of SMC’s sales are made in non-metropolitan areas. SMC has this area covered pretty well. Could be the right time to move to metropolitan areas. †¢Advertising costs will go up. †¢Will need to produce more mowers therefore labor costs will go up. †¢Will need a bigger sales force. †¢Produce the new trimmer and edger product. Not necessary. The major decision is accept or reject the offer. †¢Ride King is in the mature or decline stage of product life cycle it may be time to introduce a new product. Walk behind trimmer is not on the market yet. †¢Labor costs will go up. †¢Storage costs may go up. †¢R&D will go up. †¢New products are sometimes tough to get on the market. Recommendations: I would recommend that SMC reject the offer put on the table by the major national retail merchandising chain that was asking about private band distribution for SMCà ¢â‚¬â„¢s line of riding lawn mowers. As shown in exhibit 1 net income decreases by a great deal. SMC’s current gross profit margin is 15% and this would decrease to 2%. There are also a few other negatives to accepting the offer that will cost SMC money. Sales of SMC mowers by the national chain merchandiser could cannibalize some of their existing sales and this is projected to be about 300 units per year. Also, the liabilities will go up on the SMC balance sheet because the chain wants SMC to assume all liabilities if any worker is hurt while using the mowerproducing the mowers. There are a few good reasons to accept the offer by the chain but I think the cons out weight the pros in this case. I think that SMC should try and advertise their Ride King more aggressively to the metropolitan areas while they are developing their new trimmer and edger product. Firms want to develop new products to stay profitable. Each product has a life cycle and when one product reaches its mature stage and starts to decline it is the best time to introduce a new product. This is the situation that SMC is looking at right now. I think the Ride King is mature and will start to decline. If SMC introduced the Trim-Max they will still be gaining profits because it will be going through its growing stage. They would be the first to the market with a walk behind trimmer. SMC is known for making high quality products and they should not have a problem introducing a trimmer to the market. Based on the information in the case SMC produces many different mowers that are mid-engine riding mowers. These are less powerful mowers and are great for use in metropolitan areas. This would be a great way to market their mowers and get them into the metropolitan areas easier. The national merchandising chain thought that there was a demand in the metropolitan areas for riding lawn mowers but the terms of their contract were not benefiting SMC. If SMC can get their mowers into these areas through their distributors without the national chain putting a private label on them they will become much more profitable.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The eNotes Blog In Memory of Jane Our Favorite AustenQuotes

In Memory of Jane Our Favorite AustenQuotes Today, we honor Jane Austens death.  As one of the greatest English novelists, her works live on and continue to be some of the most influential literary works in history. They were not, however, always looked at as such. Originally, scholars  of English literature did not recognize the value of her work, and it wasnt until the mid-20th century that her literary achievements were  reassessed and appreciated. Most will know Jane Austen for her six famous  novels:  Sense and Sensibility,  Pride and Prejudice,  Mansfield Park,  Emma,  Persuasion, and  Northanger Abbey, the  last two of which were published posthumously. Interesting fact: Just outside of her writing room, there was a creaky swinging door. Jane, however, did not opt to have it fixed, because it gave her warning as to when someone was going to enter the room, thus giving her enough time to hide her work.  Towards the end of her life, Jane fell ill, and died on July 18, 1817 at age 41. Its just under 200 years later, and her novels are still being read  all over the world. See answers to questions that other people have asked about Jane Austen, or  ask your own! Want to dive deeper in Jane Austens work? Check out these resources for further reading: Emma Jane Austen Biography   Mansfield Park   Northanger Abbey   Persuasion Pride and Prejudice Sense and Sensibility

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Using the Switch Statement for Multiple Choices in Java

Using the Switch Statement for Multiple Choices in Java If your Java program needs to make a choice between two or three actions, an if, then, else statement will suffice. However, the if, then, else statement begins to feel cumbersome when there are a number of choices a program might need to make. There are only so many else...if statements you want to add before the code begins to look untidy. When a decision across multiple options is required, use the switch statement. The Switch Statement A switch statement allows a program the ability to compare the value of an expression to a list of alternative values. For example, imagine you had a drop-down menu that contained the numbers 1 to 4. Depending on which number is chosen, you want your program to do something different: //lets say the user picks number 4int menuChoice 4;switch (menuChoice){ case 1: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, You chose number 1.); break; case 2: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, You chose number 2.); break; case 3: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, You chose number 3.); break; //This option gets chosen because the value 4 matches the value of //the menuChoise variablecase 4:Â  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, You chose number 4.);Â  break; default: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, Something went wrong!); break;} If you look at the syntax of the switch statement you should notice a few things: 1. The variable containing the value that needs to be compared to is placed at the top, inside the brackets. 2. Each alternative option starts with a case label. The value to be compared against the top variable comes next, followed by a colon. For example, case 1: is the case label followed by the value 1 - it could just as easily be case 123: or case -9:. You can have as many alternative options as you need. 3. If you look at the above syntax, the fourth alternative option is highlighted - the case label, the code it executes (i.e., the JOptionPane) and a break statement. The break statement signals the end of the code that needs to be executed. If you look, youll see that every alternative option ends with a break statement. Its very important to remember to put in the break statement. Consider the following code: //lets say the user picks number 1int menuChoice 1;switch (menuChoice)case 1: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, You chose number 1.);case 2: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, You chose number 2.);break;case 3: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, You chose number 3.); break;case 4: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, You chose number 4.); break;default: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, Something went wrong!); break;} What you expect to happen is to see a dialog box saying You chose number 1, but because there is no break statement matching the first case label, the code in the second case label also gets executed. This means the next dialog box saying You chose number 2 will also appear. 4. There is a default label at the bottom of the switch statement. This is like a safety net in case none of the values of the case labels match the value being compared with it. Its very useful to provide a way of executing code when none of the desired options are chosen. If you always expect one of the other options to be chosen, then you can leave out the default label, but to put one at the end of every switch statement you create is a good habit to get into. It might seem unlikely that it will ever be used but mistakes can creep into the code and it can help to catch an error. Since JDK 7 One of the changes to the Java syntax with the release of JDK 7 is the ability to use Strings in switch statements. Being able to compare String values in a switch statement can be very handy: String name Bob;switch (name.toLowerCase()){ case joe: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, Good morning, Joe!); break; case michael: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, Hows it going, Michael?); break; case bob: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, Bob, my old friend!); break; case billy: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, Afternoon Billy, hows the kids?); break; default: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, Pleased to meet you, John Doe.); break;} When comparing two String values, it can be a lot easier if you make sure they are all in the same case. Using the .toLowerCase method means all the case label values can be in lowercase. Things to Remember About the Switch Statement The type of the variable to be compared against must be a char, byte, short, int, Character, Byte, Short, Integer, String, or enum type. The value next to the case label cannot be a variable. It has to be a constant expression (e.g., an int literal, a char literal). The values of the constant expressions across all the case labels must be different. The following would result in a compile-time error: switch (menuChoice){ case 323: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, You chose option 1.); break; case 323: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, You chose option 2.); break; There can only be one default label in a switch statement. When using an object for the switch statement (e.g., String, Integer, Character) make sure it is not null. A null object will result in a runtime error when the switch statement is executed.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Decision of Uncertainty Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Decision of Uncertainty Paper - Essay Example In case of any manufacturing defects or the product failing within the period, the company will replace them with fresh ones. Meanwhile the customer service team has recently been receiving complaints from customers that some of the weights are not able to take the load and are developing cracks. This has caused more concern to the marketing department. The marketing team wants to ensure that the campaign will be profitable to the company. As a response to this concern, the quality department has proposed that the testing methodologies have to be made more advanced and the current practices are inadequate. The quality team has proposed a laser testing machine which can replace the current destructive testing. The laser machine can scan all the weights manufactured by the company and can notify defects in an effective manner. The laser testing method involves higher costs in terms of machinery, installation, maintenance and training. The quality has estimated a total investment of about $ 100,000 towards these expenses. The management however feels that the current testing methods are sufficient and the campaign will be profitable. However the decision is still uncertain. In order to reduce the uncertainties in making the decision, a research is designed and carried out. The last 200 batches that were sold by the company were chosen as the sample. Each batch contains 50 weights and hence a total of 1000 products are considered for this research. After collecting data from the customer service department, it has been found that 40 instances were reported where weights have developed cracks, i.e., a total of 40 weights out of 1,000 were reported broken. Hence the probability of a defective weight (impact testing) is 0.04. The quality team has informed that the laser machine will be very accurate and help identify the defective weights and will bring down